Sunday, June 15, 2008

Nora the Pianist


kiwi mother said...

Plumpy - I can see you are smitten. You have fallen in love haven't you - bet you would love to be up there doing a duet with Nora. Your mother can bring you down to the farm and you can practice on our piano there if you like; although Black Cat would growl a bit.

Plumpy said...

I'm sorry Kiwi Mother, I know you are a romantic but I am saving myself for Elbi.

I'm not sure I should like to meet this Black Cat. Would she really be mean to me?

lorenzothellama said...

Plumpy, have you and Scaredy been teaching Jemima's little kit bad habits?

Anonymous said...

Aw Plumpy, you're still waiting for me! Silly mum's not been on blogger for ages which is why I've not been around. I've been fretting that some svelte little creature would've captured your heart but I see I had no need to worry.

If Black Cat is naything like our little Beeps just growl back and she'll run away. An optional raised front paw will ensure the retreat and hey presto, the piano (or lizard, mouse, frog,piece of fluff etc.) is all yours.

Scaredy Cat said...

Hello Elbi, glad to see you back! Jemima has a new little kitten now called Whitby. He is making a nuisance of himself by never leaving her, continually squeaking, climbing up her bare legs with little claws out, pummelling her chest raw while purring at the same time and climbing all over the keyboard when she is typing! We teach him well!

Plumpy said...

Scaredy I am glad Whitby is in good paws!

lorenzothellama said...

Hello Plumpy. Happy to see you on my blog!
Not only are the plants good for lazing around in the shade, they make brilliant camaflague to hide behind, especially if you are a ginger! Scaredy can watch for Coal Tits and you could watch for Fantails! Would you like me to send your Mum over some seed?
I'll see what I can do about putting Whitby on Facebook. He has gone back to his original Mum's for a bit as Jemima is travelling in the North of Spain looking for Elbi.

Maalie said...

Wow! That is quite astonishing! Is Nora one of Plumpy's friends?

lorenzothellama said...

I have just been reading your Mum's account of caving and she mentioned how trustworthy you are.

Perhaps you could have a word with Scaredy who is a little theif! Peter has sardines nearly every lunch time and if he turns his back for one minute Scaredy is up trying to steal them! He tries it on with everything we eat, although he always has a full dish of his own food. He even tries to pinch Badger's food.

Scaredy Cat said...

If you get lonely while your Mum's away, you can always come to us.