Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Computer Tutor

Mum was having some trouble with the laptop today. I couldn't be bothered doing it all for her so I sat next to her and instructed. Didn't get many cuddles though!

Scaredy - note she has a picture of you instead of me on her desktop - traitor!
Simon - See the bottom of Mum's Corpse Bride poster on the wall!

Monday, June 11, 2007


I cannot believe the AUDACITY of that stupid little tabby next door!
I was sitting in the sun, minding my own business at Ginga's feet when she came up the stairs and started poking around as though the house belonged to her!

It was bad enough that she tried to tell me when I moved in that the lawn and the trees were her pad, it was bad enough that she made vague remarks about eating my food and stealing my family. She tried to tell me she'd had pats from the humans who lived here but I knew better. Ginga and Stace didn't even like cats until they met me. Okay, so that might be an exaggeration, but by crikey this place is mine now!

So I did the only thing any other self-respecting King would do.
I told Mum to get rid of her for me.