Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Now we're getting flash!

Here's our latest creation!

The lighting was horrid when I filmed this, and as Plumpy mentioned earlier we have an awful motion picture recording facility so I apologise for the yukky quality. Nevertheless we worked hard at this with fading scenes and all!

Plumpy chose the soundtrack!



Scaredy Cat said...

Why Plumpy how lovely! I'll ask mum to get me a catnip toy too! Have you lost any weight?

lorenzothellama said...

Oh Plumpy, my little round fellow! You are so lovely. I would love to play with you.

Last night Scaredy woke us up at 4.00 am with a terrible screeching and wailing. I rushed into the kitchen and he had just seen another cat off, who dared to come through HIS catflap. He was furious. I opened to door and Scaredy sat for a minute or two on the patio surveying his domain. He then stalked by in and demanded food!
What a cat!

Unknown said...

Your seocnd feature is just as good as the first. It has Elbi chirpping excitedly, Lorenzo´s not the only one who´d love ot play with you.

Viking Warrior said...

Yon cat be sissy cat. Viking cats play with the bones of great monsters.

Scaredy Cat said...

I've been watching your video again. There is no fat on you Plumpy, it's all muscle.

kiwi mother said...

So clever ....
So cool ....
So ... well ... Plumpy

lorenzothellama said...

I keep coming back time and again to play the video. I just love it. I love especially that bit when Plumpy is kicking with his back left leg! You can see his little foot splegging out and his claws showing! Oh he is so sweeeet.

Maalie said...

It certainly looks a very contented mammal. I like the music.

Plumpy said...

I picked the music Maalie! I like songs about birds with no feathers who have to walk everywhere!!!

Scaredy Cat said...

My mum has just shown your video to Peter, and I overheard him saying to mum that Plumpy looked as though he had been blown up by a bicycle pump!

Shall I leave a hair ball on his pillow?

Anonymous said...

Plumpy you are SOOO Cute!!! You really know how to play for attention. I can't wait to tickle your tummy!!

Scaredy Cat said...

Hey Plumpy, if you go to wordimperfect, follow through to 'thinks' and then onto his moggy blog, there is a BRILLIANT you tube video. It has certainly given me some ideas.

Metamatician said...

Nice video debut Plumpy! Great music. Don't listed to Sacredy too much, I'm afraid he'll be a bad influence on you.

By the way you can be an honorary member of my orange tom club. I've got two of them myself (well, they're neutered, so I guess they're not technically considered Toms anymore but I still call them that), and I love any all other ones I see.

Orange cats have the best personalities! And you too, Scaredy, you're a right feisty feline yourself. I've thought about having a blog or website just dedicated to cats like you, plump. I'll let you know if anything comes of it.